Thursday, 12 December 2013

Context of Practise 2: Lecture Notes- "What Is Research?"

Thursday 12th December 2013
"What Is Research?"
Richard Miles

Research is a legacy of the age of The Enlightenment

The Age of Enlightenment in the 18th Century
- Process of rationality and reason where science/ philosophical thinking made leaps and bounds of progress
- Secularisation
- Reason rather than Metaphysics (Spirit or Soul- Non-Scientific)
- Belief in a unified scientific method (Scientism)
- Positivism
- Art and Design wasn't put into Universities originally as it wasn't based on scientific research and not providing valuable knowledge
- System which is antagonistic towards Art and Design Research and Degrees

"Two Cultures and the Scientific Revolution" (1959) by C.P. Snow
- 2 totally inseparable cultures which were two different things
- They would never be able to fuse together/ work alongside each other

- A school of thought interested solely in Facts
- Research should always lead to positive definite knowable outcomes
- Separation of fact from value (Value freedom)
- Objectivity
- Measurement rather than Argument- Facts speak for themselves
- Causation, Separation, and Control of Variables
- Rigorous and Underlying Principle behind it

In order to pass our degrees, we have to pass this scientism

Approaches to Research:

  • Empiricism
  • Quantitative Research
  • Qualitative Research
  • Subjectivism

- Research that is done through setting up an experiment and observing
- The common sense legacy of scientific positivism
- Universally regarded as solid research

Quantitative Research
- Can lead to the collection of data and facts
- Numbers, Charts

Qualitative Research
- An Interview with someone/ Crits and Feedback
- A constant process of talking to people and getting comments back

- Laughed at by sciences as it is based on what people think

Action Research
- Theorised in the 60's/70's
- The Creative Process- Academically defining a practise based research
- Researcher has an idea of something they want to investigate and they place the idea within a real world context, seeing how it would work and reflect back on it. From that they change and develop it before going through the cycle again to see if it works any better.

- A Marxist Concept
- The unification of thinking and doing so that you can make and do
- An aim for synthesis within practise

- A way of going back something in a systematic and logical manner
- The science of method, employed in a particular activity
- The way that we work as Creatives is our own Methodology as we have a process that we go through when making work
- Each project will have its own approach such as: Historical, Sociological, Semiotic, Psychoanalysis, Postmodernist, Communication Theory, Reflective Practise, Data Collection, Participant Observation, ext.

- The philosophical science of philosophy into knowledge
- 'Ways of Thinking About Thinking'
- Making a decision based on not knowing something

The Hermeneutic Circle
- Theorised and developed by Heidegger
- Interpretation is a process designed to clarify an experience and assign meaning to it
- Investigating something as a process that gradually leads to a deeper understanding
- This is aided by The Hermeneutic Circle which involved looking at different perspectives on events and relating individual components

Paul Ricoeur "The Conflict of Interpretations"
- The theory of their being Three Overlapping levels of interpretation

  • Behind the Text- History/ Background
  • In/Through the Text- Reception of the reading at the time and the Audience
  • In Front of the Text
Example of The Hermeneutic Circle via the song "Nelson Mandela" (1984) by The Special AKA:

Behind the Text:

- Context is the Apartheid and the imprisonment of Nelson Mandela
- The Multicultural nature of England in the 80's and the brutality of racism

In Front of:
- Became a Global Success as a Protest Song
- An Anthem of being anti- Apartheid which was a catalyst for social change and to the release of Nelson Mandela, speeding the message of Mandela's cause
- Conservative Party, a year later, was venomous towards Mandela calling them Terrorists

Through the Text:
- Song produced through a collective of white and black musicians via a mixture of different musical backgrounds
- Gave a celebratory feel even thought that wasn't the initial intention

What Research do you need to undertake as part of your Culture?
- Key Figures and History?
- Prevailing Attitudes?
- Approach to Chosen subject?
- Thinking Through Doing
- Who is the Research/ Project for?
- Challenging existing knowledge in the field?

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Context of Practise 2: Lecture Notes- "Subculture and Style"

Thursday 5th December 2013
"Subculture and  Style"
Helen Clarke

Subculture- a group of people with a culture (whether distinct or hidden) which differentiates them from the larger culture to which they belong

Skateboarding Subculture:

'Dogtown and Z Boys' Film (2001)
- Documentary film mixes original footage and recent interviews
- History of skateboarding evolves
- Reincorporation of spaces to use for Skateboarding

Skater Peggy Oki
- No difference between boys and girls dress- practicality and comfort

Ian Borden 'Performing the City' Book
- 'Political' use of found terrains in the city
- Redefining and resisting the way that urban areas have been planned and laid out
- Use of handrail which is a safety feature has been used as a way of making dangerous fun

Southbank Closure Threat to Skateboarding
- Has been around since the 1970's but is threatened to be turned into shops
- Petition which resulted in delaying the redevelopment
- Proposal for an alternative space but this has been criticised

"It is utterly contrived"
- Henry Edwards- Wood, spokesman of the Long Live Southbank Camapign

Lords of Dogtown (2005)
- Subculture becomes a replacement for the family you are born into
- How young people redefine themselves away from the family

"Skateboarders do not so much temporary escape from the routinised world of school, family and social conventions as replace it with a whole new way of life
- Borden (2001) 

Parkour/ Free Running:

- A method of movement focused on moving around obstacles with speed and efficiency without using the traditional manners of traversing the city.

Jump London (2005) Documentary Film
- Acting as an interruption to other people's everyday activity
- Performance element used as an act of rebellion


The Graffiti Subculture by Nancy McDonald
- Presenting the act as an escapism towards being pigeon-holed by your identity due to the anonymity as it is not necessarily connected to you
- Allows you to transcend racial divisions
- This doesn't apply to women

Females in Subculture:

Miss Van
- Sexually exaggerated flags her up as a female graffiti writer
- Doesn't play down her female identity and does the opposite

- Working with areas of deprived city
- Graffiti is used as a form of urban regeneration in slum areas- decorating it and making it their own
- Being female makes it feel objectified and patronised

Angela McRobbie and Jenny Garber
- Original subcultures have made females invisible as a lot of it is masculine
- In some postmodern cultures, females have become overtly feminine, like Lolitas
- Sexual suspicion surrounding women in subcultures

Motorbike Girl
- Suggests sexual deviance which is a fantasy not reflective of most conventional real life femininity at the time
- As Hells Angels, women would ride pillion and would be usually a girlfriend or mama figure. They were not part of the camaraderie

Mod Girl
- Masculine dress coming from working class teenager subculture
'Quadrophenia Film' (1979)
- Tension between mods and rockers
- Disaffected youth- alienation from normal family and substitution of friends as family
- Hierarchy of subcultures and levels of belonging- people who dress like it or people who live it

Hippy Girl
- Cliche of the Hippy Girl
- Middle class girl who has room to explore and go to university before family
- Space for leisure without work
- Bad Hippy/ Good Hippy - Peace and Love flower power girl juxtaposed by those involved in Drugs

Riot Grrrl Movement
- Feminist Subculture from mid- 1990s onwards around New York
- Political movements they were involved in and support network attached to issues that were specifically towards Females
- Fanzines attached to the groups and experience of being involved- DIY Nature of the music scene
- Influenced by some of the late 70's- Early 80's punk bands
- Name of the movement comes from a phrase used by Jen Smith, using the double or triple 'r' taking back the derogatory term

What makes a true Subculture?
- Women publish this town music
- Aesthetic references punk music from the 70's
- Dada movement- taking elements from previous movements to create and influence the next generation
- Leaked into the grunge scene but this is style without the subculture
- Distorted into pop by the Spice Girls using the term 'Girl Power'

Spice Girls
- Cartoon values with no values offered
- Using visual types for someone to relate to one of them
- There is no empowerment for young women and gives no voice reducing them to nothing

"Subculture: The Meaning of Style" Book by Dick Hebdige

The importance of subcultural activity
- Represents noise instead of sound
- Questions the value of the parent culture
- Bad representation within the media as this is how they are marketed and distorts the phenomena

The Commodity Form
- Dress styles and music are turned into mass objects as they become part of the designs so it negates the original purpose- Become mainstream to make money
- Non political threat which will not disturb traditional value therefore making the subculture domesticated and takes away from the original values
- Zandra Rhodes Safety Pin- mark of the end of the subculture as it is turned into 'high class/mainstream' piece of fashion
- 21st demonisation of hoodies- style has a double response as it is celebrated as well as ridiculed

Edwardian Style Bricolage
- Working class Teddy Boys which has trickled down from the Saville Row Upper class style
- Escape from the claustrophobia of the family into the streets
- Girls would be dressing the same but they were not present on the streets as they were not granted that freedom
- 'The Teds' documentary by Chris Steele-Perkins (1979) - Spans 3 decades worth of the culture. How people hang onto the culture after beyond youth

Skinhead Culture
- Separates Skinheads who were racist against those who grew up alongside other cultures

'This is England' (2006) by Shane Meadows
- Influenced by 'Skins' (1980's) book by Gavin Watson
- Establishing himself within the estate
- become his surrogate family documenting how he becomes within this group
- Explores the political influence of the Skinhead Culture through the character of Combo
- The subordination of Milky as 'other' by Combo due to race

Post Subcultures
- Becoming increasingly difficult to pinpoint Subcultures as global society updates itself rapidly