- A Brief History of..
- A Collection of...
- An Introduction to...
- An Exhibition of...
- Things you need to know about...
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Topics Brainstorm |
General Research:
Zoos are a facility which house different animals in displays, open to the public in which they may be viewed as well as kept for breeding in order to aid conservation to prevent extinction. The term zoo comes from the science of zoology which is the study of animals. These established are usually regulated by the government to ensure the best care and treatment of the animals, with emphasis on space and natural environments. The amount of zoos around the world exceed over 1000 as 80% of cities have a zoo with other 175 million people visiting a zoo each year who help contribute to the $16 billion given to zoos and aquariums each year.
Before zoos were Menageries, which was a common form of keeping exotic animals, defined as 'an establishment of luxury and curiosity' yet this changed with the times at it later referred to the travelling nature of the menageries as they would travel around exhibiting their animals. They were mainly had by royalty and kings, with menageries highlighting power and status due to the fact that the animals were uncommon, difficult to acquire and expensive to maintain yet at the turn of the 19th century, the modern zoo focused on education in order to educate and entertain the public. These zoos were normally small with as many of one species as possible in a cage that could be fit in in a museum like setting.
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"Ancient Animal Graves From Private Zoo" (2009) by Renee Friedman
Walters, P. (2009) "Ancient Animal Graves From Private Zoo" [Internet] National Geographic 14th September Available from http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2009/09/photogalleries/animal-tombs-ancient-egypt-missions/index.html (Accessed 30th January 2014)
This early fascination with creatures developed alongside civilisation itself as Chinese, Greek and Roman cultures began to develop an interest in animals. One of the earliest animal collections is the Aztec emperor Montesuma II's menagerie yet this was destroyed by Hernan Cortes during the Spanish conquest of 1520.
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"The Royal Menagerie"
Stuart, J. (2010) "The Polar Bear Who Lived at The Tower..." [Newspaper] Daily Mail 21st September Available from http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1313816/The-polar-bear-lived-Tower--grumpy-lion-baboon-threw-cannon-balls-Britains-bizarre-zoo.html (Accessed 30th January 2014)
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"Royal Beasts"
Historic Royal Places "Royal Beasts" [Internet] Available from http://www.hrp.org.uk/MediaPlayer/ViewPlaylist.aspx?PlaylistId=123 (Accessed 30th January 2014)
The first zoo in the world to uses the term 'zoo' is London Zoological Gardens which was open in April 1828 and was intended to be just a house to collect animals for study but became open to the public in 1847. The need for a collection was based on the idea that exotic animals would not be able to survive the cold weather of London so they were kept inside until 1902, where they were let outside in outdoor enclosures.
There are various types of zoos which vary in regards to location, type and space:
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"Australian Giraffes" by Ian McAdiie
National Geographic "Zoo- Zoological Park" [Internet Encyclopedia] Available from http://education.nationalgeographic.co.uk/education/encyclopedia/zoo/?ar_a=1 (Accessed 30th January 2014)
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"Tiger Traffic Jam" by Obed Suhail
National Geographic "Zoo- Zoological Park" [Internet Encyclopedia] Available from http://education.nationalgeographic.co.uk/education/encyclopedia/zoo/?ar_a=1 (Accessed 30th January 2014)
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"Game Reserve" by Phillip Oliver
National Geographic "Zoo- Zoological Park" [Internet Encyclopedia] Available from http://education.nationalgeographic.co.uk/education/encyclopedia/zoo/?ar_a=1 (Accessed 30th January 2014)
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"Petting Zoo" by Celena Ribault
National Geographic "Zoo- Zoological Park" [Internet Encyclopedia] Available from http://education.nationalgeographic.co.uk/education/encyclopedia/zoo/?ar_a=1 (Accessed 30th January 2014)
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"Aquarium" by Loy Norrix
National Geographic "Zoo- Zoological Park" [Internet Encyclopedia] Available from http://education.nationalgeographic.co.uk/education/encyclopedia/zoo/?ar_a=1 (Accessed 30th January 2014)
Conservation and Animal Welfare within Zoos:
Animal conservation is looked after by the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums where, through the use of research, captive breeding and conservation, the health of animals is studied up close with extinct animals being looked after by biologists. The main aim of conservation projects is to be able to put the animals back into their natural habitat by re-introducting them back into the environment so that they can reproduce and improve the population figures.
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"Zoos and Pseudo Sanctuaries"
Peta "Zoos and Pseudo Sanctuaries" [Internet] Available from http://www.peta.org/issues/animals-in-entertainment/zoos-pseudo-sanctuaries/ (Accessed 30th January 2014)
Within this debate are the Zookeepers themselves who spend their days looking after the animals within the zoos. This includes preparing food and feeding the animals, cleaning out cages and checking for signs of health deterioration or stress within the animals so that they can provide the animal with medical attention during illness. People who are zookeepers tend to be individuals who are interested in the well-being of conservation and are animal lovers by nature. With a large amount of time being spent with the animals on a daily basis, the keepers tend to gain a large emotional attachment to the animals that they are looking after.
Despite this, during the researching of this topic, quite a controversial news story came to light to do with Animal Welfare.
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"Danish Zookeepers Kill Young Baby Giraffe With A Bolt Gun Because He Was Surplus To Requirements"
Tozer, J. (2014) "Danish Zookeepers Kill Young Baby Giraffe With A Bolt Gun Because He Was Surplus To Requirements" [Internet] The Daily Mail Available from
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2555079/Danish-zoo-kills-young-giraffe-deemed-surplus-feeds-lions.html (Accessed 9th February 2014)
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"Marius The Giraffes Grotesque Slaughter Exposes the Secrets of our Zoos" Shand, M. (2014) "Marius The Giraffes Grotesque Slaughter Exposes the Secrets of our Zoos" [Internet] The Daily Mail Available from http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2556351/Mariuss-grotesque-slaughter-exposes-dirty-secrets-zoos-Success-breeding-programmes-leads-culls.html
(Accessed 9th February 2014)
Zoos and Graphic Design:
I went onto looking at design inspirations to do with zoos and soon found that there was a large array of areas that design covers within the capacity of zoos, ranging from brand identity to way finding and signage, editorial, product design, web design and advertising:
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"Animalia Zoo" (2014) by Skida Wan
Wan, S. (2014) "Animalia Zoo" [Weblog] The Behance Network 24th January Available from http://www.behance.net/gallery/Animalia-Zoo/13973875 (Accessed 30th January 2014)
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"Axo Zoo" (2013) by Nicolas Galkowski Galkowski, N. (2013) "Axo Zoo" [Weblog] The Behance Network 5th November Available from http://www.behance.net/gallery/Axo-Zoo/11939037 (Accessed 30th January 2014) |
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"One Page. One Ink. One Goal. for Calgary Zoo" (2011) by Trigger
Trigger (2011) "One Page. One Ink. One Goal. for Calgary Zoo" [Internet] Available from http://ideasthattrigger.com/blog/topics/gallery/page/2/ (Accessed 30th January 2014)
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"Gorilla Guerrilla for Calgary Zoo" (2011) by Trigger Trigger (2011) "Gorilla Guerrilla for Calgary Zoo" [Internet] Available from http://ideasthattrigger.com/blog/topics/gallery/page/2/ (Accessed 30th January 2014) |
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"Jazzoo Branding" by Ai Carver
Carver, A. "Jazzoo Branding" [Internet] Available from http://cargocollective.com/acarver/BRANDING (Accessed 30th January 2014)
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"Lincoln Children's Zoo Wines" (2009) by Bailey Lauermann
Lauermann, B.(2009) "Lincoln Children's Zoo Wines" [Weblog] Lovely Package 1st May Available from http://lovelypackage.com/lincoln-childrens-zoo-wines/ (Accessed 30th January 2014)
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"Mooks" (2009) by Salad Design
Salad Design (2009) "Mooks" [Internet] Available from http://www.saladdesign.net/archive/ (Accessed 30th January 2014)
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"Zoo Identity" (2014) by Irina Blok
Blok, I. (2014) "Zoo Identity" [Internet] Available from http://www.irinablok.com/zoo (Accessed 30th January 2014)
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"Zoofari" (2013) by Hyperquake
Hyperquake (2013) "Zoofari" [Internet] Available from http://www.hyperquake.com/#/work/zoofari (Accessed 30th January 2014)
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"Petting Zoo" by Christoph Niemann
Niemann, C. Petting Zoo" [Internet] Available from http://www.christophniemann.com/index.php/books/details/petting_zoo (Accessed 30th January 2014)
The production of an interactive book for the iPad would enable the story to capture the imagination of the young child target audience as they would be able to get involved or the story themselves. The fact that the board game product alongside it allows for the fun to continue across both media platforms means that children who do not have the technology do not miss out either.
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"Berlin Zoo 170 Years Calendar 2014" (2013) by Diana Hope Hope, D. (2013) "Berlin Zoo 170 Years Calendar 2014" [Weblog] The Behance Network 31st May Available from http://www.behance.net/gallery/Calendar-2014-Berlin-Zoo-170-Years/9045677 (Accessed 30th January 2014) |
The professional nature of the calendars presentation makes for a clean layout which is fluid and consistent throughout, with each page being unified but every illustration being different so they work as a stand alone page as well. The fact that every animals is wearing a hat relating to their place of origin gives it a whimsical and novelty effect.
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"Zoo" (2013) by Irina Kruglova Kruglova, I. (2013) "Zoo" [Weblog] The Behance Network 27th September Available from http://www.behance.net/gallery/Zoo/11156733 (Accessed 30th January 2014) |
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"San Diego Zoo Safari Park" (2013) by Jessica Leavitt
Leavitt, J. (2013) "San Diego Zoo Safari Park" [Weblog] The Behance Network 18th October Available from http://www.behance.net/gallery/San-Diego-Zoo-Safari-Park/11489393 (Accessed 30th January 2014)
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"Tiergarden Klev (Kleve Zoo)" (2013) by Apiwat (Peet) Anuntrachartwong
Anuntrachartwong, A. (2013) " Tiergarden Klev (Kleve Zoo)" [Weblog] The Behance Network 25th November Available from http://www.behance.net/gallery/Tiergarten-Kleve-(Kleve-Zoo)/12398691(Accessed 30th January 2014) |
The proposed brand concept for the zoo is quite basic but comprehensive in the different mediums that the brand will be distributed. The colour scheme is distinctive and constant so that the brand is unified throughout.
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"Signage Natura Artis Magistra (Zoo)- Amsterdam" (2013) by Christiaan van Dokkum
van Dokkum, C. (2013) "Signage Natura Artis Magistra (Zoo)- Amsterdam" [Weblog] The Behance Network 15th February Available from http://www.behance.net/gallery/Signage-Natura-Artis-Magistra-(Zoo)-Amsterdam/7165223 (Accessed 30th January 2014) |
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"Glasgow Zoo & Park Brand Identity" (2013) by Danielle Complin
Complin, D. (2013) "Glasgow Zoo & Park Brand Identity" [Weblog] The Behance Network 22nd February Available from http://www.behance.net/gallery/Glasgow-Zoo-Park-Brand-Identity/7246919 (Accessed 30th January 2014) |
This identity for the zoo is modern and contemporary using bold bright colours and a rounded typeface with illustrative characters. The play on animal sounds makes it more realistic and bold and would appeal to the younger families who would be visiting the zoo when it relaunches.
The closest zoo to where I live is Chester Zoo and, in order to get some primary research into the experience of going to a zoo, during the holidays, I went on a family day out to Chester Zoo where I got to see a lot of different animals.
Primary Research Photographs |
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Map of Chester Zoo |
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Sandwich Labels |
Brown Paper Bag |
Specific Research:
From my trip to Chester Zoo, I enjoyed it so much that I decided to focus my research down from Zoos to Chester Zoo itself making my research matter, An Introduction to Chester Zoo.
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Stills of "Chester Zoo Animation- All About Us" (2011) by Chester Zoo
Chester Zoo (2011) "Chester Zoo Animation- All About Us" [Youtube] 11th October Available from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1G4hQ9yRo0c (Accessed 31st January 2014)
In regards to the zoo itself, it takes up 110 acres of space that is accessible to the public. A large addition to the zoo's function of space is the inclusion of a monorail which has 2 stations, one by the elephants at the entrance of the zoo and another by the lions on the opposite side of the zoo. This allows for a wide over-the-top view of the zoo as well as making it easier to get around with less walking for the less able-bodied.
Throughout the day at the zoo, there are talks going on in the enclosures so that you can learn about the animals themselves, their natural habitats and habits and watch them be fed by the keepers. These alternate throughout the day and vary on the animal.
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"Oakfield Manor"
"Historical Archives of the Site of Upton Zoo" [Internet] Available from http://www.historyofuptonbychester.org.uk/zoo.html (Accessed 30th January 2014)
Originally he was uninspired by the use of the Victorian-style caged menageries as a way of housing the animals due tot he lack of space so he decided to use moats and ditches as an alternative method of using cages as it seemed a more natural, humane method of housing them. Mottershead already had quite a large avery so he added to that with the first animals which came to the zoo being bought from Shavington zoo.
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"Growing Up At Chester Zoo"
BBC Liverpool (2008) "Growing Up At Chester Zoo" [Internet] Available from http://www.bbc.co.uk/liverpool/content/image_galleries/chester_zoo_gallery.shtml?6 (Accessed 30th January 2014)
During the war, with the zoo being a relatively new attraction, it was difficult trying to keep it open but Mottershead managed and soon after, the zoo became a popular destination as it became an escape from the destruction of the real world.
Animal Exhibits:
As part of the zoo, they have specific areas and buildings set apart from the rest of the animals which acts as exhibits of the zoo:
Spirit of the Jaguar
The Spirit of the Jaguar is a building which houses Jaguars and Panthers that have access to an indoor and outdoor habitat that they can venture between. The area itself is reminiscent of a forest with lots of oversized tree branches to hide and run over and the outdoor area even has a waterfall.
The Realm of the Red Ape
My Family at Realm of the Red Ape |
Fruit Bat Forest
Fruit Bat Forest is a large blacked-out building which has free flying bats hanging from the ceilings. Visitors can walk through the darkened enclosure on a marked out path while the bats make noises and fly overhead.
Tropical Realm
Tropical Realm is the largest of the attractions and houses tropical animals in a warmed building. This is the main avery with birds being positioned along the sides and top level, where the birds have room to free-fly and are normally have another of the species accompanying them. The birds are alongside a range of reptiles, like frogs, tortoise, lizards, alligator and snakes whilst insects, like cockroaches, have their own places as well.
Mongoose Mania
This interactive element of the Zoo allows visitors to be able to crawl through tunnels beneath the enclosure and has spaces to put your head through the top and look around the enclosure at 360 degrees as the Mongeese run around the enclosure, allowing the visitor to experience what it is like to see things from the same view as them.
Conservation for Endangered Animals:
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Stills of "We're a Conservation Charity Animation" (2011) by Chester Zoo
Chester Zoo (2011) "We're a Conservation Charity" [Youtube] 11th October Available from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDC2vbO-3gs#t=11 (Accessed 31st January 2014)
- Independence- All living things, including humans, live in an ecosystem and depend on each other to living things for their survival
- Human Impact- Human activities are causing serious environmental damage
- Partnerships- Chester Zoo works in partnership with other to conserve nature and and natural resources
- Chester Zoo- A charity whose mission is to be a major force in conserving biodiversity worldwide
- You- We can all make changes to the environment and zoos can help inspire people to do this
They have 10 main conservation projects currently going on worldwide which work with different species and habitat types:
Amphibian Conservation Programme- With over a third of 6,600 species under threat of extinction due to pollution of habitat and infectious disease on land, Chester Zoo supports field monitoring as well as carrying out research in particular research pods specifically for amphibians called APods. The zoo has 3 of these pods which are dedicated to supporting critically endangered species.
Asian Elephant Conservation- Due to the shrinking of their natural habitat due to the domination of the natural landscape by humans, elephants are losing out on the amount of space that they need to live thereby causing them to end up destroying crops and killing humans causing retaliation deaths of elephants. They intend to help villagers develop strategies to prevent this and help aid the conservation of the habitats.
Black Rhino Conservation- The main area of conservation for the Black Rhino is to educate locals on the Rhino as well as developing, monitoring and protecting their existence.
China Conservation- The blue-crowded thrush is stuck in one province in China so the aim is to expand their habitat and aid the birds from extinction. Forests within China have been established and given protection through being raised to reserve status.
Jaguar Conservation- Currently developing a global survey of Jaguars with human conflicts surrounding this habitat aiming to reduce the amount of conflicts and acting as an independent research source for researchers and conservationists affected by the conflict.
Mascarenes Conservation- Providing technical support in hand-rearing the endangered birds and aiding the conservation of threatened plants and ecosystems.
Native Species Conservation- The conservation of endangered and threatened species within the UK, such as Sand Lizards, and Hazel Dormouse, providing practical help, advice and funding as well as recording the biodiversity of the local areas.
Nigeria Conservation- Supporting research into the flora and fauna of the local National Parks to conserve the current biodiveristy as well as currently campaign to get borders for the Parks so as to highlight the edges of the protected areas to stop poachers and illegal harvesting.
Philippines Conservation- Working with other teams, they support sponsorship of wildlife wardens, support of rare species and community-based conservations in order to encourage breeding in these areas.
Realm of the Red Ape Conservation- Alongside the display within the Zoo itself, the conservation programme aims to protect wild orang-utans, conserve their habitats and the biodiversity within these areas.
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"Music Re-Draws Chester Zoo Identity" (2011) by Music
Lucas, G. (2011) "Music Re-Draws Chester Zoo Identity" [Internet] Creative Review 16th August Available from http://www.creativereview.co.uk/cr-blog/2011/august/music-redraws-chester-zoos-identity (Accessed 30th January 2014)
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"Chester Zoo" (2012) by Mike Read at Music
Read, M. (2012) "Chester Zoo" [Weblog] The Behance Network 7th February Available from http://www.behance.net/gallery/Chester-Zoo/3084701 (Accessed 30th January 2014)
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"Chester Zoo" by Adam Hayes
Hayes, A. "Chetser Zoo" [Internet] Available from http://mrahayes.com/project/chester-zoo (Accessed 30th January 2014)
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"Chester Zoo Environmental Design" (2012) by M Worldwide
M Worldwide (2012) "Chester Zoo Environmental Design" [Internet] Available from http://www.mworldwide.co.uk/chester-zoo/ (Accessed 30th January 2014)
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"Chester Zoo Concept" by Meri
Meri "Chester Zoo Concept" [Internet] Available from http://www.mynameisnotmeri.com (Accessed 30th January 2014)
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"Chester Zoo" (2010) by Nick Carter Freelance
Carter, N. (2010) "Chester Zoo" [Weblog] The Behance Network 21st October Available from http://www.behance.net/gallery/Chester-Zoo/765749 (Accessed 30th January 2014)
"The Future Is Fragile" (2013) by Joshua Marler Marler, J. (2013) "The Future Is Fragile" [Weblog] The Behance Network 8th October Available from http://www.behance.net/gallery/The-Future-is-Fragile/11358043 (Accessed 30th January 2014) |
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"Park and Writhe" by Mark McKellier
McKellier, M. "Park and Writhe" [Internet] Available from http://andmark.co.uk/?p=514 (Accessed 30th January 2014)
Looking at other attempts alongside the current brand identity for the zoo, I feel that the current identity is quite successful as it comes across as family friendly yet not too young or childish. The brand is modern and fresh which can be alternated, updated and changed easily as well as be applied to different scenarios and proposals.
Design Boards:
As part of the brief, we needed to present the information we found on 5 Design Boards showing the research we had undertaken so that we would be able to present it.
Printed A3 Design Boards |
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