Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Context of Practise 3: Lecture Notes- Organising Your Project Research

Tuesday 30th September 2014 
"Organising Your Lecture Notes"
Richard Miles

Potential Helpful Book: "Doing Your Research Project" by Judith Bell
- Helping to gather data, interviews and questionnaires
- Visual research

400 hrs study for a 40 credit module
6-9000 word written element and related practical work
A research project that is synthesised from the research
2.5hrs minimum support on the written element of the module in addition to support with the practical project


Turn up with questions and preparation for each half an hour tutorial
- Try to have a substantial draft submitted by Christmas
- Make your supervisor you first port of call

Indicative Content:
- A cohesive research project- it all joins together and sythesised
- It needs to evidence in-depth critical research
- A coherent written argument and related practical investigation
- Your work needs to show an underlying and methodological process of research

Planning the Project:
- How the ideas and the initial research is going to get turned into a dissertation and a practical project- HOW IS IT GOING TO GET TURNED INTO A SYNTHESISED THING
- The more thought that goes into it before it is made, the more successful that it will be

You need to:
- Write down all of the questions that you would like to investigate about your topic
- Consider each on their merits and focus on two (primary question and a supplementary secondary)
- Write an A4 'First Thoughts' sheet for each question (preconceptions and ideas)
- What is the purpose of the study? Is your question researchable?
- Working Title

Project Outline:
- Consider Timings with Work, Holidays, Life as the DEADLINE IS IN 15 WEEKS
- Think about the working title and the components for each that needs researching
- Allocate time for each
- Draws up a project outline based on the above
- Allow generous time for initial reading and writing up
- Factor in Tutorial times

Literature Search
- Reading takes more time then you think
- How much can you actually read in this 100 hrs?
- Start by trying to find out all of the key texts on your chosen topic
- Do a search into Google Scholar
- Focus your reading based on an initial assessment of this survey
- Find key texts and plan time to read these Find secondary sources/ criticisms of key texts (triangulation)
- Use journals (www.jstor.org)

- Start compiling the Bibliography at the beginning of the project
- Reference as you go along
- Include all of the details (Harvard Referencing)

- Ethical approval must be granted by the supervisor if any research is to involve a human subject for data not in the public domain, eg. if you are interviewing or observing someone
-'Data not in the public domain' is information which is private and you need specific permission to use

- How are you going to research your information for your dissertation
- There are different approach methods which will get you different results
- Action Research- Theory, Doing something about it, Reflecting, Changing Initial Theory and Starting Again

- Is this the best way to investigate your topic?
- Begin to word questions and discuss with your supervisor
- Avoid ambiguity, imprecision and assumption
- Avoid double. leading, presuming or offensive questions

- Is it the best way of investigating your topic?
- Begin to word questions and discuss with your supervisor
- Structured or Unstructured interview?

Experiments of making and new techniques is forms of practical and primary research

- Don't procrastinate
- Plan research methods carefully
- Select the most appropriate methods
- Document all stages carefully
- Produce a detailed project plan/outline with timings and stick to it.
- Get the most from your supervisor

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