Give the topic of Transport and choosing to research the environment, I started my research by looking into the issue on a broad scale to be able to get a general overview of the issue at hand. From this, I want to be able to find an area to focus on.
Secondary Research:
Effect Transport has on the Environment
Firstly, I looked into the general information into how transport effects the environment. I wanted to be able to find an overview into the subject so I would be able to know what I was on about. I found that The Geography of Transport Systems by Dr. Jean-Paul Rodrigue (Available from 26th November 2012) contents was very detailled without being too difficult to understand. It highlighted the basic areas of Environmental damage and the main damage that is caused.
"Transportation and the Carbon Cycle"
Rodrigue, J.P. (2012) "Transportation and the Carbon Cycle"[Internet] New York: Hofstra University Available from (Accessed 26th November 2012)
This cycle diagram illustrates the basic science behind the Carbon Cycle and highlights how the more damage we do to it, the knock on effect it will have on all aspects of our life. It is an important place to start researching as it is the need for the wider audience to understand this to see how our behaviour causes this and how we can change.
Eco- Friendly Transport
Due to the fact that my topic is on the topic of Transport, it is important that I stick to this topic and research into the types of transport that is already in use to try and be more positive to the environment.
In a world that is reliant on petrol and diesel for cars in order to be able to get everywhere, it is important that we find clean alternatives yet some people are against using them as Electric cars are seen as second rate or degenerative. What I like about this infographic is that it put both types of car next to each other to provide a clear comparison based on facts and also, highlights the benefits of Electric cars trying to dispel this social myth surrounding it.
This is a fascinating idea as I had never heard of it before but it is a clever and sustainable concept that could provide us with a much cleaner solution to using gas and petrol. I think this is relevant as it looks at the bigger picture and not just local or individual methods of transportation and instead, looks at it on a global scale and how it will effect the way we use aviation in an environmentally friendly way.
This infographic really puts into perspective the amount of energy that we waste every year purely from the amount of fuel and consumption we do and I think it would make people aware as it highlights the amount of money that is wasted due to this. It is quite persuasive in its argument for using a Hybrid car and encouraging in the need to be Eco-friendly with its tone of voice and green imagery.
Are we improving?
Over the years, the Environmental effects of Transport have become more and more publicized and into the public consciousness. From that, have we took any of these warnings on board and tried to improve the effect that we are having on the environment?
Fall in the number of registered new cars
Fall in the C02 emissions of a new car
No Reduction in overall UK C02 Emissions
Increase in the number of cars on the road due to reliability of new cars lasting
Clear increase in the amount of Hybrid/ Electric cars
Overall amount of Conventional (Petrol/Diesel) Vehicles
Overall Amount of Alternative (Hybrids/ Electric) Vehicles
Decrease in Amount of Waste Energy and Waste for Landfills from Cars
"Are UK Cars Going Green? Explore the Data"
Clarke, D. (2012) "Are UK Cars Going Green? Explore the Data" [Internet] The Guardian Environmental Blog 3rd July Available from (Accessed 27th November 2012)
This article was informative in visually interpreting the necessary data in a formal and professional manner, appealing to the middle-class educated audience that usually views The Guardian. It is encouraging that the data highlights how we have begun to make changes to the way we produce and use cars so that we lower our Carbon Footprint.
"A Global Movement"
"The Most Successful Electric Car Cities" [Internet] Available from (Accessed 27th November 2012)
This infographic is relevant as it shows the amount of electric cars that occupy the different cities around the world and may encourage people to get them in order to be better and clear than other cities. I think it shows how relevant the need to be Eco-friendly has become compared to in the past yet I think it also highlights how we have improved in our attitudes towards Pollution on a worldwide scale as it is a topic that effects everybody.
This diagram helps compare the fuel economy of different airlines showing how there is competition between the airlines and how much they all use. This allows carbon footprint concious consumers to determine who they fly with by the amount of fuel they consume. I like the way the information has been displayed like measurements of the aeroplanes ascending the sky, making it visual in a relevant yet interesting manner.
"The Greener Way to Get There"
"Green Travel Tips Infographic" [Internet] Available from (Accessed 27th November 2012)
This infographic is useful as it analyses and compares the different methods of transport to find the most energy efficient ways of travelling. This allows the information to be relevant to the audience and appeal to a number of users as it can be applied to the everyday, highlighted by the fact that there is different variants of travel destinations and lengths as well. I think this shows the social consciousness that has developed over the years as we are more aware of the situation we are in with the need to be more Eco-friendly, however, I think it also highlights how people will choose comfort or ease rather than thinking about the environment first.
This poster series uses the incorporation of transport within the imagery made to promote the effect that it has on the environment, giving the message that the effect that the transport is having on the environment is causing them to take it in- the environment is becoming filthy and corrupted by the transports residue. The slogans used (which translates as 'Recycling for public transport') promote ecological and environmental action that needs to be taken to improve the quality of these factors, shaming the users in considering thier carbon footprint, taking responsibility for the damage they are doing.
"My Travel: Take the Greener Way to UWS" (2012) by Maria Angelica Flores
Flores, M.A. (2012) "My Travel: Take the Greener Way to UHS" [weblog] 16th June Available from (Accessed 27th November 2012)
This illustration uses infographics in a subtle and unconventional manner as it makes the infographic appear like it is part of a large drawing rather than as a large piece of information- it is only when you look at it a bit closer do you notice. The clear display of information highlights how the designer has mixed in primary and secondary research within the presentation. The colouration is relevant to the topic and keeps the user focused on the message at hand. Even the typography used gives the impression of woodland and hippy ideology.
Primary Research:
After looking into certain aspects of the debate between transport effecting the environment, I wanted to see for myself how it effects the area I live in and how it effects me on a daily basis.
Constant Traffic Congestion
The roads are constantly congested or piled up with cars, lorries and buses behind traffic lights, especially in the city centers, and they are in constant use, especially on a morning and evening, causing tail backs of traffic and putting more C02 into the air due to this.
Train Station Landscape Photos
It is sometimes argued that a version of damage to the environment is the appearance to the landscape that train lines and motorways cause. As you can see by these photos of the train station that it is quite expansive as to how much of the landscape they take up and that the train lines are not very becoming of the surrounding areas, creating an eyesore.
Box Campaigning for Environment surrounding the Loop Road
What I found that was very interesting to me was a sort of metallic box that was next to a busy road that promoted the damage that was being caused, not just to the environment but, to our health and our quality of life. It provided a strong opinion that I could see for myself put into practice. I don't think it is entirely successful in its campaign as this hasn't stopped the amount of drivers that constantly go through the loop road yet I think it puts a valid point across. Secondary Research:
What Direction Will I Go In?
I think I want to focus my research onto the future of transport and how it will effect the environment or whether it is too late as it will be something that effects me in my lifetime.
"The Future of Public Transport" Singh, T. (2009) "What is the Future of Public Transport?" [Internet] E U Infrastructure 28th SeptemberAvailable from (Accessed 29th November 2012)
This informative spider diagram gives a bite-sized overview into the possible methods of transport we may use in the future in order to be more Eco-friendly and combat the carbon footprint that we have already managed to produce. These methods of transport focus on being light weight and being streamlined in aesthetic whilst maximizing the amount of people that it can carry in order to improve congestion. They all come with thier own positives and negatives but it shows that there is a step into the right direction with these inventions. However, would they be practical in real life?
This is a designers view into the way that the future will have vehicles that communicate with each other in order to improve communication into congestion and travel efficiency. By letting vehicles communicate and have the ability to change routes and exchange information, it will prevent congestion and pile ups between parked and mobile cars. This will also aid those vehicles transporting large amounts of goods as they can find the most efficient way of traveling logistically. It also illustrates the appearance of cars in the future with the sleek futuristic body and the use of batteries rather than engines.
"Aircraft Hanger"
"Shweeb Monorail"
"Straddle Bus" McKeegan, N. (2012) "Radical Railways: Top 10 Transportation Systems of the Future" [Internet] 18th June Available from (Accessed 30th November 2012)
These images highlight inventions that could be used in the future to improve the transportation of the railway and aviation systems in order to improve the environment as well as service to customers. They all focus on the aspects of lessening congestion, lowering the amount of pollution being caused and, hopefully, lowering the costs of travelling by making these improvements. These ideas are inventive and imaginative while having the conceptual consideration for them to be put into practice.
"Smarter Skies" by Airbus
Airbus (n.d) "Smarter Skies" [Internet] Available from (Accessed 29th November 2012)
"The Future of Flight in 2050" by Airbus
Airbus (n.d) "Future by Airbus" [Internet] Available from (Accessed 29th November 2012)
These infographic looks more at air travel and what will become of it, specifically in the year 2050. This allows an insight into what will be the aviation habits of customers and what the airline companies will be looking to doing in order to improve thier effect on the environment. Its quite refreshing to see the initiative that they are taking in order to improve thier service and this is displayed in a clear format, in a considered manner.
Group Focused Question Research:
After producing all this research, as a group, we were then given the topic of trying to get people to use thier vehicles more responsibly. I was chosen to look at road safety posters and advertising campaigns.
I started by looking at the Th!nk Campaigns website as it is the most well known road safety campaigns group and they usually make quite hard hitting and iconic adverts.
"Th!nk Drink Drive Advertisement Campaign" (2010) by Th!nk
Despite the fact that this is a video advertisement rather than a poster, I think this is very effective as it targets the person side of someone who is effected by drink driving rather than just the facts. The emotive approach to this topic makes it more hard-hitting, working better than an advert which is just produced for shock value. It makes the audience put themselves in his shoes and makes them think about what they have to loose and how it could effect them which is why it is so successful.
The campaign we have come up with as a group doesn't really have a specified area of targeting responsibilities of drivers.
With that in mind, I found this poster which targets all 4 main specific areas of irresponsibility that causes accidents and deaths via driving. It takes the visual images of the causes and replaces them as letterforms whilst making the statement still legible. It has a clear and concise message that is dealt with in a straight-forward and direct tone of voice.
Due to the fact that our group are trying to prevent accidents before they happen, I thought it would be a good idea to look at some preventative road safety adverts.
"LOOK! Road Safety Campaign"(2012) by New York Department of Transportation
Traffic Technology Today (2012) "NYCDOT Launches LOOK! Safety Campaign" [Internet] 24th September Available from (Accessed 4th December 2012)
Even though this is directed at pedestrians, it makes a successful identity as it is direct and to-the-point in its message communication and the intention behind the campaign. The photography used is relevant to the campaign advertisement as it is in keeping with the overall aesthetic and only aids to emphasize the necessity behind the intention of the poster. This is successful because, even without the text, the imagery on the poster would still make it obvious as to the message behind it.
Most road safety advertisements I have found seem to focus on photography or being quite realistic therefore I wanted to find some that had more of a Graphic Design approach to producing poster campaigns as it would make it more relevant to our group work.
"Safe Drive Stay Alive" (2002) by Safe Drive Stay Alive Scotland
Safe Drive Stay Alive Scotland (2007) "What is Safe Drive?"
[Internet] Available from (Accessed 4th December 2012)
This image and type effort uses strong imagery and a full block typeface to get the emphatic message across, acting as a headline as well as a piece of safety advice. It keeps it minimal at 3 colour choices and merges aspects of the imagery together, namely the blood splatter which doubles up as a speed gauge making the message behind the poster even more effective. The word play is useful at helping to create a memorable advert as it allows the message to be effective in its communication.
A lot of road safety campaigns focus on aspects of death or quite violent imagery therefore I wanted to find a campaign that would be more focused on a clever use of imagery instead.
"Let's Look Out For Each Other Advertising Campaign" (2012) by Th!nk
Th!nk (2012) "Cycling: THINK! : Directgov" [Internet] DirectGov Available from (Accessed 4th December 2012)
The togetherness and wholesomeness of the campaign is what makes this successful as the imagery reflects the nature and sweetness of the message and intention behind it. I like the typographic element to the main poster as it keeps it fresh and modern in its appearance, making a delightful change from the usual violent and gaudy appearance. The imagery is minimalistic yet sets the right tone as it is obvious in its communication. The fact that the car and the bicycle wheels are together gives a sense of unity and the fact that it could be used as a reminder makes it relevant to our group work.
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