Wednesday 21st November 2012
"Graffiti & Street Art" Lecture Notes
Helen Clarke
- Brought to light recently by the Mark Rothko Art Piece Graffiti Scandel
- "A Potential Piece of Yellowism"
- Publicity Stunt?
- Origin- Cave Paintings scratched into cave walls during the Paleolithic Period
- Ancient Roman - Crudely Drawn and Vulgar
- 1970's US New York Scene
- Spray Can Graffiti- Making Language Visible -Spread via Tube Cars sprayed
-Announcing a Presence & an Identity
- Photographer Jon Naar (1973)- Documentation of the rise of the culture
- Anonymity of Artist shows respect
- Message to affluent from poor ghetto reminding them of
thier existance
- "Cry for change from the Ghetto" (Naar)
- Jean- Michel Basquiat (1960-88)- Fuses written and visual with "SAME-OH"
- Deep Meaning that's layered
- Death of Character (1979)
- Neo- Expressionist Painting
- Collaboration with Andy Warhol "General Electric with
- Commenting on Commercialism & Consumerism
- Keith Haring (1990)- "Radiant Baby" Logo
- Sketches on top of advertisements that already exists
- Theme of Sexuality & Comments on the HIV/AIDS Crisis
- Commercialism popularizes his work- "Pop Shop" closed 2005
- Artist becoming the Brand
- John Feckner "Broken Promises" (1980)- Words used in a setting that gives it a potential
- Jenny Holzer "Times Square Trio" (1980)- Akin to advertisement due to media digital
- Calls them 'Truisms'
- Makes Statements that state the obvious
- Authoritative
- Video Game Culture
- "From the Berlin Wall"- Commenting on the desire for and lack of available technology
- Tagging in Grand Theft Auto and Tony Hawk Games
- "Bomb The World"- Creating an Identity around the culture of Graffiti
- Invader - Use mosaic tiles as pixels and makes them permanent images on the walls
- "Invasion spreads accross the city
- Conceptual and Interactive Element- "Attack of Montpellier" Map
- Advertising Commercialism- Using Graffiti to appeal to the Youth
- TATS CRU (1997) for Coca Cola
- 123 KLAN- Maintaining Self while benefiting from success
- Re-Emergence of Street Art
- Banksy "Kate Moss" - Andy Warhol Inspired
- Shephard Fairey (2008) Obama Campaign
- J R "Farela Morra Da Provienda" (2008) - Watching as Protection
- Blu and Os Gemeos (2010) - Oil Barren taking the Earth's Resource
- Taking work back to the communities and to the street
- Paul (Moose) Curtis- Reverse Graffiti- Using Dirt Removal & Stencils, beautifies the city
in an environmentally good way
- Alexandre Farto (2008) Takes plaster from walls
- The Global Picture
- BOMB IT Movie
- "Free Art Friday" Movement- Annual event for others to take away
- Sam 3 (2010)- Only black paint responding to the environment
- Art of Resistance- Using Palestine wall as an excuse/ invitation to decorate
- Public Expression
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