Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Context of Practise: Lecture Notes- "Creative Advertising"

Wednesday 7th November 2012
"Beginnings: An History of Creative Advertising" Lecture Notes
Janine Sykes

- The starting point- William Hesketh Lever (1851-1925) & James Danny founded Level Bros
Agency (1885)
               - Port Sunlight- Gallery bought to house soap-workers which became a village
               - Today is known as Unilever (a ubiquitus brand- Used everyday for everyday things)

 - Colour printing was invented with the intention of producing publications- Invention of 3D Technology and Photography

Pre-Packaging (1860's)
 - Cereal companies mechanical ensemble (Kelloggs)
 - Soap was sold in long bars- Lever first produced it's pre-packaged soap adding brand value through

Advertising Boom
 -Tax cuts on Newspapers/ Magazines and the Press -Allowed Advertising to come to it's aid
 - Adverts and Papers need each other to exist (Co-Existing)
 - Need of this relationship highlighted in the recent News Of the World Abandonment of Advertisers

1890's- Contemporary paintings could be reproduced due to technological progress and colour printing
 - The Integration of Art & Technology

Lever Bros= 1st Multinational in the World - WHY WAS IT SO SUCCESSFUL?
 - Contemporary paintings used in thier advertising
 - Used in sunlight soap adverts with copy 'So Clean' tagline
 - Usually had women or children with white linen or delicate materials
                    - Children signified Joy, Blessings, Purity, Innocence and Life

"Dress Rehearsal" Advertisement (1888)
 - Subject Matter implies dress has been worn by generations within the family
 - (passing down of beauty secrets from generation to generation)
 - Emotive Strategy of Subject Matter
 - "As Good As New" tagline to suggest that it has been washed with the brand so it is like brand new
                       - Selecting Contemporary works that powerfully communicated a desired message
                       - Interesting and Innovative
                       - Spectacle and Entertainment
                       -Simple Endlines that changes the meaning of the image to the advetrtisers advantage

Birth of the Creative Agency
 - Previously, in 19th century Britain, the Client would create the content of the advert
 - Agencies instead  would sell newspaper space for the ads
 - In 20th/21st Century, Agencies began to offer a creative service to make more money

Product Placement:
 - "The Wedding Morning" Advertisement- Soap replaces the original image of a cup and a clock
                               - To encourage the idea of Brand Loyalty through the generations

First Global Campaign for Sunlight Soap
 - £2 million invested in thwe promotion of the soap in the first 20 years
 - Innovative Events used to advertise the Soap
                              - 1889 Washing Competition welcomed large crowds to see a mass demonstration
                                of the product
                              - Welcomed large crowds tohave a banquet and day out (Big Campaign in itself)
                              - Royal Endorsement from 1892 (Democratisation)
                              - Wrapper Promotions (1903) ofeering free soap or free gifts in return of wrappers
                                                            - 'Capture the Children' targetting mothers to buy product
                                                            - Mothers and Housewives became the Target Market/ Audience
                                                            - Improves Quality of Life for Working Class
                                                            - Allows for more quality time for Romance (Emotive Strategy)

Lever sponsered Slavery in Africa- Use of Palm Oil in Dove Products and Tropical Climate Imagery in Adverts

1st Worldwide ECD
 - Enocuraged Creative Collaboration but Lever would oversee the overall advertisement
 - Constantly researching and studying advertising
 - International Expertise was sough for within the company
 - Would record everything as Journals or Blogs
 - First Ambient (In Situe Advertisement)included Train Doors
 - Avoidance of Left Wing Newspapers - Placement was considered

            "Advocated truth in advertisement is an asset; falsehood in advertising is a liability"
                                                                             - Lewis (2008)

World Domination
 - Uses Different Agencies Worldwide
 - Domestic and Imperial Markets - Britishness suited all
 - Royal, National and Impirial Imagery  - To Civilise (Commodity aided by Soap)
                                                                 - Wash and Cloth the Native
                                                                 - Cleanse the Working Class

 - Advertisers persuade consumers of thier hygiene problems
 - High Feeling Strategy Used

Discrepency Theory (Psychology of Advertising)
 - 2 ways of seeing yourself: The actual Self & Ideal Image of Self
 - Widespread psychology of all consumers
 - Use of celebrity in Adverts uses this theory to encourage others to buy

Critics of the Advertsing Boom:
 - Heavily and Highliy criticised during the Inter-war years by Left-Wing critics
 - They were appaulled by the products of capitalism and mechanisation

Supporters of the Boom:
 -  Economic Liberals supported the Boom
 - Good trade relations helped reduce conflict
 - Creates more jobs
 - Consumerism, Consuption and Commerce helps improve the well-being of the individual

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