Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Context of Practice 3: Lecture Notes- Resolving Your Research Project

Tuesday 25th November 2014
'Resolving Your Research Project'
Richard Miles

DEADLINE: 15th January 2015 3-4pm-  7 weeks away

Dissertation needs an introduction- an outline into what the essay will be discussing

Academic conventions are like an institutional framework for your work.
They structure and standardise. They aspire to academic honesty.

At this level, your expected to be able to:
- Demonstrate a critical knowledge of practice
- Apply theory to practice
- Analyse relevant material
- Evaluate theory and evidence within the context of study
- Critiquing and critically reflecting on your learning and using this to improve practice
Am I evidencing any of these things?

Bloom's Taxonomy- hierarchy of knowledge
- Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, Evaluation

New Bloom's Taxonomy by Anderson and Pohl
- Remembering, Understanding, Applying, Analysing, Evaluating, Creating

Need to avoid a surface approach to the module
- Passive acceptance of ideas and lack of reflection with little attempt to understand or synthesis
- Concentration on learning outcomes shows a superficial approach to it

Need to have a deep approach to the module
- Critical and thoughtful with an examination of arguments
- Independent engagement with related evidence to make a conclusion

How do I evidence deep approach learning?
- Academic writing is formal and follows standard conventions
- Subject will have its own kind of specialist vocabulary which you can use
- Must be based on evidence and logical analysis and presented as a concise argument
- Need to present your argument accurately and concise- back up your strong argument/opinion

Do not:
- Don't use a conversational tone of voice- need to be forceful and direct in your register
- Get to the point. Aim for precision and don't use unnecessary words or waffle.
- Short sentences or a mixture in sentence length and avoid repeating the same words
- Avoid all abbreviations and contractions, slang words and phrases
- Do not write in the first person as it is deemed too subjective and personal

Dissertation Format:
- Preliminaries (Cover Page)- Title/ Acknowledgements/ Contents/ List of Illustrations
- Introductions- The abstract/ Statement of the Problem/ Methodological approach/ Structure/ Key Sources you have used
- Main Body- Review of the literature/ Logically Development Argument/ Chapters/ Results of Investigations/ Case Study
- Conclusion- Discussion and Conclusion/ Summery of Conclusions (Echo's the Introduction)
- Extras- Bibliography/ Appendices (Only bit that doesn't include the Word Count)

Dissertation should be 1.5mm double spaced
Long quotes longer than 2 lines are single lined space and indented
Quotes should be used in and amongst each other

Getting Stuck
- Ask why you are stuck
- Avoid negativity
- Picture what being 'unstuck' would look like
- What action would it take to get there?
- In what timescale?
- Do the action- doing stuff will make you feel better about it

Project Self Assessment
- Write down the aims of the project
- A brief summery of the work so far
- Comment on your time management
- Do you know what the final project will look like?
- How are you going to get there?
- What areas are you worried about?
- How are you going to use the remaining tutorials?

Harvard Referencing
- All work needs to be referenced correctly
- Author, Date, Title, Place, Publisher
- 'Quote' (Surname, Year, Page) within the actual content of the essay
- Make sure that you are consistent throughout the essay
- Bibliography should be alphabetised by name and separated out into types of research (Books/ Websites/ Journals. TV)
- Images should be referenced as an author, date, title in Book Bibliography
- Images should be referenced within the text as Fig 1, ect as well as with the book bibliography
- Documentary or Film, just write that within the text if getting a quote from it

E-Studio COP3 Dissertation Submission Walkthrough
- 2 Copies of the dissertation printed and thermal bound
- 1 copy needs to be electronic drop box on e-studio, all in one file
- Specific cover page, type of binding and front cover
- Leeds University Print and Copy Bureau before Monday 12th January

Dissertation needs a Conclusion- summing up of the argument

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Context of Practise 3: Dissertation Tutorial 2 Notes

Following on from the last tutorial, I had begun to start writing some of my essay in bits so that I could start making sense of the topic change.

Tutorial Feedback Sheet
Own Tutorial Feedback Notes
I voiced my concerns with the practical that we had discussed in the last tutorial about how I didn't feel comfortable using someone's stuff so we compromised on producing a brand strategy/guideline using desire based on Freud which would be subtle. I felt much more confident about the practical because I knew that it would be all my own work then.

For the essay, my tutor read through what I had done so far and noted areas that I could do with expanding, such as why Bernays felt that propaganda could be used in peace time and the inclusion of Freud's ego and id. Also, it was suggested that I select one or two specific examples of brands using aspects of desires within their brand identity.

After this tutorial, I felt much better and positive about my essay and my practical because, after how terrible the last tutorial went, I felt like I was going in the right direction.

Friday, 7 November 2014

Context of Practice 3: Dissertation Development

After having a bad first tutorial, I took it upon myself to start working on writing my essay so that this way I would have something to work with.

As you can see, throughout the development of my essays, I continue to write notes to myself as to what to include, both in regards to content and quotes.

I began by writing about what I had already researched on, starting with the Freud and Bernays application of psychology so that it gives my essay context as to where the psychoanalysis. I had begun to discuss branding within my essay but I had kept it to just factual information. The essay itself is full of planning and you can see the way that the essay is shaping up in its bare bones.

From the second tutorial, I found that I needed to find a way of giving my essay more depth. Also, it was stated that I needed to extend my essay information that I already have.

I went onto developing the essay by planning out some possible examples of brands to give some case study examples within the branding application of psychology. To show how branding and psychology have been developed, I have included Packard's theory on the sub-concious targets by brands. Also, I include a paragraph on Wally Olins book, On Brands as it gives a unique perspective of branding and the relationship with consumer identity.

From the third tutorial, I felt that my essay wasn't very defined in regards to the separate chapter sections of the essay.

I decided to develop the essay by making the chapters very obvious, including a introduction to each of the chapters as well as expanding the introduction I had already written. Also at this point I had started writing a conclusion as well as including some triangulated arguments as I hadn't included any arguing within my essay up to this point.

Finally, from the last tutorial, I needed to include some extra pieces of detail so as to be much more precise within my essay.

I went onto paraphrasing large amounts of quotes I had in clusters and added details about Freud's theories on penis envy as well as developing the information for the bibliography and changing thr format.

What is clear is that the way that the essay was constructed shows a clear development from the beginning and how the essay has built up over time. In a way, this is quite nice to see because you can see the way that the essay changed and took shape.

Thursday, 6 November 2014

Context of Practise 3: Dissertation Tutorial 1 Notes

Following on from the presentation we had to give on the topic that we wanted to do our dissertation on, we had a tutorial to discuss how we would start to pull these aspects together.

Tutorial Feedback Sheet
My Own Notes from Feedback
I showed the essay plan that I had produced for the topic I had in mind and where I wanted to go with it alongside my idea for a practical.

Despite this, I was told that there was no graphic design element to my essay and there needed to be one. With my interest and specialism in branding, it was decided that I needed to research into branding, with the title being changed to 'HOW CAN PSYCHOLOGY AND PSYCHOANALYSIS INFORM EFFECTIVE BRANDING'.

With this, it was suggested that I have a look at the documentary 'Manufacturing Consent' by Chomsky which talks about manipulation via the mass media.

From this change it meant that the practical needed to change too. I had to either focus on an existing brand or look for a Kickstarter brand and find a product that exists, either something that is clothing, alcohol, energy drinks and produce work for it.

Altogether, I came out of the tutorial feeling very demoralised because I had sorted out a clear theoretical and practical element that had been planned out and I had to scrap the lot. It was like starting over all over again and I didn't know where to begin, especially as I had found a focus of my own which I was going to look at specifically with coffee shops in regards to primary research and case studies. The presentation feedback had been very positive towards all of this so it shook my confidence. Also, I didn't like the fact that I would be taking someone else's work and applying it rather than coming up with my own product so I decided that the only thing I could do in retaliation was to start writing something down, anything down, just to get me started so this way I had something to work with.