'Resolving Your Research Project'
Richard Miles
DEADLINE: 15th January 2015 3-4pm- 7 weeks away
Dissertation needs an introduction- an outline into what the essay will be discussing
Academic conventions are like an institutional framework for your work.
They structure and standardise. They aspire to academic honesty.
At this level, your expected to be able to:
- Demonstrate a critical knowledge of practice
- Apply theory to practice
- Analyse relevant material
- Evaluate theory and evidence within the context of study
- Critiquing and critically reflecting on your learning and using this to improve practice
Am I evidencing any of these things?
Bloom's Taxonomy- hierarchy of knowledge
- Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, Evaluation
New Bloom's Taxonomy by Anderson and Pohl
- Remembering, Understanding, Applying, Analysing, Evaluating, Creating
Need to avoid a surface approach to the module
- Passive acceptance of ideas and lack of reflection with little attempt to understand or synthesis
- Concentration on learning outcomes shows a superficial approach to it
Need to have a deep approach to the module
- Critical and thoughtful with an examination of arguments
- Independent engagement with related evidence to make a conclusion
How do I evidence deep approach learning?
- Academic writing is formal and follows standard conventions
- Subject will have its own kind of specialist vocabulary which you can use
- Must be based on evidence and logical analysis and presented as a concise argument
- Need to present your argument accurately and concise- back up your strong argument/opinion
Do not:
- Don't use a conversational tone of voice- need to be forceful and direct in your register
- Get to the point. Aim for precision and don't use unnecessary words or waffle.
- Short sentences or a mixture in sentence length and avoid repeating the same words
- Avoid all abbreviations and contractions, slang words and phrases
- Do not write in the first person as it is deemed too subjective and personal
Dissertation Format:
- Preliminaries (Cover Page)- Title/ Acknowledgements/ Contents/ List of Illustrations
- Introductions- The abstract/ Statement of the Problem/ Methodological approach/ Structure/ Key Sources you have used
- Main Body- Review of the literature/ Logically Development Argument/ Chapters/ Results of Investigations/ Case Study
- Conclusion- Discussion and Conclusion/ Summery of Conclusions (Echo's the Introduction)
- Extras- Bibliography/ Appendices (Only bit that doesn't include the Word Count)
Dissertation should be 1.5mm double spaced
Long quotes longer than 2 lines are single lined space and indented
Quotes should be used in and amongst each other
Getting Stuck
- Ask why you are stuck
- Avoid negativity
- Picture what being 'unstuck' would look like
- What action would it take to get there?
- In what timescale?
- Do the action- doing stuff will make you feel better about it
Project Self Assessment
- Write down the aims of the project
- A brief summery of the work so far
- Comment on your time management
- Do you know what the final project will look like?
- How are you going to get there?
- What areas are you worried about?
- How are you going to use the remaining tutorials?
Harvard Referencing
- All work needs to be referenced correctly
- Author, Date, Title, Place, Publisher
- 'Quote' (Surname, Year, Page) within the actual content of the essay
- Make sure that you are consistent throughout the essay
- Bibliography should be alphabetised by name and separated out into types of research (Books/ Websites/ Journals. TV)
- Images should be referenced as an author, date, title in Book Bibliography
- Images should be referenced within the text as Fig 1, ect as well as with the book bibliography
- Documentary or Film, just write that within the text if getting a quote from it
E-Studio COP3 Dissertation Submission Walkthrough
- 2 Copies of the dissertation printed and thermal bound
- 1 copy needs to be electronic drop box on e-studio, all in one file
- Specific cover page, type of binding and front cover
- Leeds University Print and Copy Bureau before Monday 12th January
Dissertation needs a Conclusion- summing up of the argument