Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Context of Practise: Session 1- Critical Analysis & Study Task

For our session, we needed to find 2 images of work we like and 2 images of work we don't like and be able to justify why we do or don't like them.

2 I Don't Like:
"DC Designs for the Portland Mercury" (August 2011) by David Carson
 Reference- Carson, D. (2011) "DC Designs for Portland Mercury" Available from http://www.davidcarsondesign.com/t/ (Accessed 25th October 2012)
David Carson- I don't like this image by Carson as it doesn't make any visual sense at any point within the work. Everything is very random and has no logical sense in regards to type placement and composition of the work. The colouration is gaudy and reflected by the mixture of typefaces used all at once which is unconsistant and insulting on the eyes, thereby producing a piece of work that doesn't work as a unit but more like it's full of individual pieces stuck on top of each other.

"Ampersand" (2012) by Stuart Wade
Reference- Wade, S. (2012) "Ampersand" [weblog post] Flickr 3rd September Available from http://www.flickr.com/photos/stuartdwade/7926264902/in/set-72157628146795749/ (Accessed 25th October 2012)
Unknown Designer- I hate how this ampersand looks stifled and over-worked in this overly- computer generated piece of design. The aesthetic looks cheap and obvious as to how it was made, using unappealing colour choices to put the audience off looking at it. It has taken the beautiful form of the ampersand and made it clumsy and disjointed in its creation, leaving it ostentatious in its kitsch appearance. The layout has no logical purpose and has no obvious function as to the design of this poorly-considered image.

2 I Like:
"Stalking" by Noma Bar
Reference-  Dutch Uncle Agency "Noma Bar Portfolio" Available from www.dutchuncle.co.uk/illustrators/noma-bar/portfolios/portfolio (Accessed 25th October 2012)
Noma Bar- I like this image because it is striking and sinister, playing on the intention of the subject matter in a subtle but shocking manner, making the message of the image hit home. The constructed forms are similar and ordinary yet the colour contrast between the black and the white provide different connotations between the figures, indicating purity and innocence being ingulfed by darkness and evil.
"If Twitter was 100 people..." (2009) by David McCandless
Reference- McCandless, D. (2009) "If Twitter was 100 People" Available from http://www.informationisbeautiful.net/2009/if-twitter-was-100-people/ (Accessed 25th October 2012)
David McCandless- The clear info-graphics are simplistic and fun with a light-hearted look at modern life, as it focuses on the habits of Twitter users, poking fun at them by the use of lexis such as 'lazy', 'dead' and 'loud mouths'. The colourful and vivid colour scheme is contemporary and purposefully eye-catching as it draws the viewer in. The fact that the information is easily and quickly interpretted hits the target audience of people who are use to having information at thier fingertips, therefore, it is a successful piece of design.

From these 4 images, we started by leaving our images out for another group to see if they could tell which were the ones we liked and which were the ones we didn't. We found that most groups had very similar choices to each other when it came to making these decisions as there was usually only one or two images out of being fully correct.

We found that we unconsciously made these decisions via value judgements and produced a list as a class of Judgements we made our decisions on:
  1. Layout
  2. Colour
  3. Context
  4. Visual Content
  5. Function
  6. Concept
  7. Composition
  8. Legibility
  9. Communication
  10. Visual Quality/ Skill level
  11. Non- Visual Content
We were introduced to the Acronym D.I.E.T in order to be able to give feedback in a critical way based on the judgements that we had listed:
  • D- Describe (What Do You See?)
  • I- Interpret (What Is It About?)
  • E- Evaluate (How Good Is It?)
  • T- Theorise (How Could It Be Improved?)
To put this to the test, we got into pairs (I was with Grace) and each chose 1 image out of our 4 original images and analysed both of them using the acronynms:

My Image: "If Twitter Was 100 People" (2009) by David McCandless

D- Describe
  • Piece of Infographics depicting 100 men and women representing the twitter habits of Twitter Users as a collective.
  • Bright colours seperate each catagory within the collective.
  • Presentation of data in a legible, bite sized manner for quick communication.
  • Minimalistic Aesthetic.
  • Use of common symbolism with the men and women signage.
I- Interpret
  • It's about presenting the data gathered in a quick and communicative way, reflecting the technology and community who use the social network. 
E- Evalaute
  • Clear, Consise and To- The-Point.
  • Simplistic in it's intentional communication.
  • I would change the grey colour to a bright colour for consistancy and distinction from the rest of the image.

Grace's Image: "Hosanna1.com" Afghan Hounds Website

  • Gaudy Aesthetic Display
  • Confusing Website Layout
  • Littered with Irrelevant Information
  • No Logical Function or Thought-process to Design choices
  • Mixture of Typography is Unwelcoming and Dysfunctional
I- Interpret
  • I Genuinely didn't have a clue what it was for. It was only when Grace told me it was to sell dogs that I found out what it's purpose and intention was
E- Evaluate
  • Whole page is Non-Sensical
  • Holds no Logic
  • Bad Layout and Presentation
T- Theorise
  • Only include Relevant images and Information
  • Consistant Typography thats Legible
  • Muted Background
  • Less Information
  • Better Picture Quality
  • Simplistic Display
 We then all compared the reasons for our judgements and made a class list of how to judge D.I.E.T criteria:

  • Colour
  • Image/Type
  • Legibility
  • Skill Level
  • Layout/ Composition
  • Format
  • Media
  • Form
  • Process
  • Legibility
  • Skill Level
  • Function
  • Meanings
  • Concept
  • Communication
  • Tone of Voice
  • Effectiveness
  • Communication
  • Aesthetics
  • Purposive
  • Legibility
  • Depends on the Work
  • Subjective 
D is Objective as it is based on facts yet I.E.T is Subjective as it is based upon the opinion of the viewer

Study Task:

For our Study Task, we have been asked to reflect on the Content of Session 1 by answering these questions:

5 Reasons why Critical Analysis is Important? (Explain and Evaluate)

1. It allows us to question our perceptions of what is good design and what is bad design and it makes us reflect on why we think this, giving us time to reflect on our judgements.

2. We can reflect and consider our own work when critically analysing someone elses as we can think about what we have done with our design choices and whether they were suitable whilst looking at someone elses work who may have done something similar and how successful theres was.

3. The process of critical analysis allows us to be in the position that other people are in when they analyse our work so we know the though process behind how our own work is considered by other people by doing it to existing work so we have a better understanding of the thought process behind it.(Learning through the experience of doing).

4. It allows us to develop our knowledge of other styles and types of design so that we can develop our own practise, seeing what aspects of design we would like to go into and what is already out there so we can find our own niche.

5. It allows us to make a Subjective opinion on other people's work thereby developing our tastes in design.

5 Reasons why the Crit is Useful?

1.  Allows you to get feedback from a range of people which is useful because it gives an alternative point-of-view and a fresh pair of eyes on your work, allowing you to see other aspects/directions that you can work from that you wouldn't normally consider and where you can go next with your work.

2.  It reflects Industry Practise which is useful because it means that when we go into industry, we won't be intimidated by the process of the Crit and means that we will be able to work with other people at the same level with confidence.

3. It can reassure you with your work which is useful as it can give you clarification that you are going in the right direction via an active debate and questioning of work and give you a confidence boost if your work is successful or more directed afterwards.

4. Gives you a insight into what everyone else is doing which is useful as it allows you to see how other people work, there own styles and approaches to briefs which means you can take some tips and techniques that they use and apply it to your own practise so that you can improve.

5. Allows you to develop an thick skin to criticism on your work which is useful as you are in a supportive environment where everyone is in the same boat and therefore the more you get use to it then the less likely that you will take critiques in a personal, attacking manner.

Choose 5 of the Judgement Criteria and Explain what you do and dont like within that Criteria?

1. Layout:

- Grid System Layouts which produce clean presentation and a pheasible structure that gives a minimalistic aesthetic.
- Vertcial columnization in regards to typographic slogans as it creates a naturally purposeful order in the layout.
- Type creating an Image as it can be a really cleverly done way to get alot of information to the audience without them realising the amount of information on show.
- Negative Space as it allows the eye of the audience to be drawn to the work rather than be distracted by a disruptive background.

- Information Overload (where alot of writing/images are crammed onto one image/page) which causes a confusing and disfunctional orientation for the audience.
- Not having a Logical Purpose as to Placement of Text or Image as it makes the work non-sensical and disorganised

2. Function:


- For the design to have a purpose in its creation so that there is reason behind its existance and so it has something to say
- To present an idea or a concept to a large audience that is understandable so that it communicates a message directly, simply and efficiently
- Form Follows Function as I think that the use should come first and that the aesthetic should come from how the object is going to be used


- Lack of purpose or direction thereby making the design unconsidered and pointless
- When the work doesn't have a function as I like work to be purposive or have a meaning/concept behind it
- When the aesthetic is considered more important than the meaning/ideals/concept of the work because I don't think a work is successful if it can't communicate its purpose in the first place.

3. Concept:


- Simple Ideas that easily communicate to a mass audience as ususally the best pieces of design keep the concept and idea easy to understand
- Original Ideas that aim to solve an everyday problem as it produces a purpose and function for the design making it important and relevant to the ease of everyday life

- Concepts of work that doesnt help anybody or have any purpose in the long run as I think that design should be able to help people
- Pieces of design that have no relevancy to what it is suppose to be doing, eg. like adverts that have no relevance to what they are advertising. It's just a really big pet hate of mine as I don't see the point in thier functionality.

4. Legibility:


- Easy-to-Read and clear typography so that it is accessible to a wide audience
- Distinctive, thick linework which allows the imagery to stand out from the background

- Overlapping Images/Text on top of each other as it affects the clarity of the presentation
- Detailled Backgrounds which overshadow the text as it makes it harder to read
- A Mixture of Different Fonts on one image as it affects the legibility and the consistancy of the typography
5. Communication:

- Cryptic or Double Meaning Images/Texts that means that the audience have to think about the purpose of the design.
- Minimalist, Simplistic Imagery that has 2 images in 1 thereby producing a clever design optical illusion to the audience.
- Direct and To-The Point Slogans that are clear and consise so that it is efficient in its communication

- Illegible Typography that is unclear and difficult to read making the work lacking in its communicative ability
-When the Image and the Type have no correlation or relevance to each other or the purpose of the communication thereby not making any sense

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