Initial Research:
The first thing I did was collect 4 different newspapers on the date of Tuesday 23rd October 2012 thereby being able to get a range of different stories and a range of different opinions and writing styles.
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Newspapers from Tuesday 23rd October 2012 |
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Articles in all 4 newspapers with the same subject matter: Lance Armstrong |
I then went through the articles and highlighted all the information that was important key bits that i felt would be good to include in my line of enquiry. I also included tone of voice in my highlighting as I know that it would be good to see how the different newspapers each view the story and there stance on the issue.
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The Metro's Article on Armstrong Doping Scandel |
The Mirror's Article on the Armstrong Doping Scandel
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The Guardian's Article on the Armstrong Doping Scandel |
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The Time's Segment on The Armstrong Doping Scandel |
The Times' Article on the Armstrong Doping Scandel
From these news articles, I started to make a list of possible areas of research that I could go into. This would allow me to have more of a focus while, at the same time, expanding on the story and learning about a subject matter I know nothing about.
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Brainstorm on Research Avenues |
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"Lance Armstrong and the Doping Conspiracy" (2012) Unknown Designer Reference- FRANCE 24 (2012) "Armstrong facing big financial hit over doping ban"23rd October Available from (Accessed 24th October 2012) |
I then looked at the legacy of Lance Armstrong so that I could see what his achievements, lifestyle and charity work is like. I looked at his offical website so that I could find a concise and detailed history of his achievements.
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"The Rise and Fall of Lance Armstrong" (2012) by Unknown Designer Reference- FRANCE 24 (2012) "Lance Armstrong- Downfall of a Sporting hero" 22nd October Available from (Accessed 24th October 2012) |
I then went onto researching about the Tour de France as that is the main sporting event that has been effected due to Armstrong's activities. I had a look at the key piece of information on the main website but I found it difficult to understand as there is so much involved within the race:
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Stills from "Tour de France" (2011) by Column 5 Reference- Column 5 (2011) "Tour de France" Full Video Available from (Accessed 25th October 2012) |
I researched into finding a Map of the Route to see how large a scale the event is, particularly as I didn't know how long or arduous the event is. I had just throught that it was only one long race, which it is but not in the sense that I thought it was.
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"Tour de France 2012 Map Route" Reference-Le Tour de France Official Website "The Tour 2012" Available from (Accessed 24th October 2012) |
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"The Road to Le Tour de France" Reference- "Tour de France- What You Need To Know" [weblog] Infographics Archieve Available from (Accessed 24th October 2012) |
Another successful info-graphic I found while researching the Tour de France was this "Les Chiffres du Tour de France" as it took some information I had already gathered up via and broke it down into manageable pieces.
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"The Figures of the Tour de Fr ance" (2010) Reference- "Facts & Figures: Tour de France" Available from Original source available from (Accessed 24th October 2012) |
Having researched the Tour de France itself, I then wanted to go into the most integral and shocking part of the story and that is the action of Doping.
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"How Does Blood Doping Work?" (2012) by The BBC Reference- Fordynce, T. (2012) "Lance Armstrong: Fall of a Sporting Hero" 11th October Available from (Accessed 25th October 2012) |
Now I know the basics, I wanted to know the science behind it and how it affected people who did it.
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"Doping in Sports" (2012) Reference- Thomas Reuters (2012) "Lance Armstrong: Doping in Sports- Graphic of the Day"24th August [Weblog] The Knowledge Effect Available from (Accessed 25th October 2012) |
By learning the effects, I wanted to know whether other people in the Cycling world had used done this before and used it to gain an advantage over other athletes.
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"Tour de France Winners Penalised for Doping & Clean Winners" (2012) Reference- (2012) "Lance Armstrong Stripped of 7 TDF Wins, Gets Lifetime Ban" [weblog forum post] 23rd October Available from (Accessed 25th October 2012) |
From this information, I wanted to start finding some opinions and ideals based on the cycling world and about the situation itself.
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"Bike Like A New Yorker" (2012) by Mother New York for Reference- Mother New York (2012) "Bike Like A New Yorker" Available from (Accessed 25th October 2012) |
In regards to the Armstrong Doping scandel itself, I managed to find an opinionated image that will help form my own opinion.
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"Just Dope It" (2012) by Retrofuturs Reference- Retrofuturs (2012) "Just Dope It" 17th October [weblog] Flickr Available from (Accessed 25th October 2012) |
During the crit, I explained my choice of News Story and showed the evidence of having the newspapers from Tuesday 23rd October, evidencing the articles that I had and the different tones-of-voice they had. I explained my avenues of research and showed both the facts and figures I had collected as well as the visual research I had conducted by finding videos and design images.
I was told that the research I had conducted was good and that I had focused on the facts and statistics in learning about the subject and around the subject thoroughly.
In order to continue my research, I was advised to think about:
- What is pushing athletics to do this?- England match (Red bull and caffine pills used)- Line but where do you cross it?
- How far will Athletes go to win?
- How extensive is Doping in sport, particularly Cycling?
- Focus on the statistics
- Focus down the research into one area and form an opinion on it
Focus Research:
For my focus research, I continued where I had left off from my initital research at exploring the opinions other people had on the Doping Scandal.
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"Ride On: Cycling Will Be Just Fine" (2012) by XXC Magazine Mahokey, J. (2012) "Ride On: Cycling Will Be Just Fine" [weblog] XXC Magazine- Issue No.17 Available from (Acessed 1st November 2012) |
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"LiveWrong" (2012) by Ross Cocker Cocker, R. (2012) "LiveWrong" [weblog] Tumblr Available from (Accessed 1st November 2012) |
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"Lance Armstrong: Dope" (2012) The Guardian/ Observer Newspaper (2012) "Lance Armstrong: What Now For the Bully Liar Doper Cheat?" 14th October Available from (Accessed 1st November) |
From this, I wanted to see how widespread the problem is and see what other athletes had doped before and what they had been given as a punishment.
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"Tour de France Doping Competitiors" (2012) Brennan, G. (2012) "My Take on the USADA Investigation" [weblog post] The Former, Super Morbidly Obese, Cyclist Available from (Accessed 2nd November 2012) |
I then decided to look at why athletes feel the need to cheat by doping. I need to understand the reasons behind the choices that the athletes make in order to be able to make an informed decision. I managed to find an informative article from The Guardian (Available from ) which takes the case of David Zabriskie and allows him to describe his reasons for why he doped.
This illustration highlights several reasons that David Zabriske gave when explaining why he doped, which was then reinforced by Jonathan Vaughters, and the unfair advantage that doping gives to athletes; how other athletes may feel the need to dope to be able to have a fair chance at being able to compete alongside everyone else, highlighted by the fact that the over-muscly competitors are further ahead than the non-doped cyclist. The fact that the bikes are made from needles rather than a frame indicates the extra power neccessary to win that they get from the drugs, meaning that the clean riders don't have a level playing field. The fact that the needle is pointed towards the non-doping cyclist gives the impression that hes going to be next to succumb to it in order to be able to continue the dream of being a professional in the business because they simply need to be able to keep up. This shows the extreme lengths they will go to to win.
An aspect of the problem is how we are going to be able to tackle the issue and what ways it can be stopped.
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"Combatting Doping in Cycling" (2005) Kroichick, R. (2005) "VICIOUS CYCLE / THE SAGA: Controversy over doping and lawsuits is nothing new for Armstrong" [weblog] SF Gate 26th August Available from (Accessed 3rd November 2012)
This graphic shows the effects of the drugs and mentions ways of how doping can be contained and challanged. The only problem I have is that doping has become undetectable with these tests being conducted so I think there should be a new methodology to it- or just not give them the option or the ability to dope in the first place. The spider diagram and notation style to the work keeps the diagram simple which is reflected by the form of the imagery and the black and white colouration used.
From the focused information I have gathered, I have formed the opinion that, due to the widespread activity of doping that has been highlighted from the Lance Armstrong Scandal, cyclists feel they have no choice but to dope because of each other and therefore it produces a vicious cycle. Therefore they should be got rid of altogether as, if we did the opposite and condoned them then how would it be controlled and regulated? How much would be allowed to be taken? and it would just cause chaos so fairness would dictate to get rid of them completely. However, there are other arguments that I've read that can be found in this article (Available from that considers the advantages and disadvantages of allowing or banning doping. The most interesting aspect of my research has been finding the reasons why athletes dope so I think I might want to produce work in reference to that. From this, I have continued to find opinionated pieces of graphic design. |
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"Say NO To Drugs In Cycling" (2010) by Sam Edwards Edwards, S.(2010) "Doping In Cycling" [weblog] 11th November Available from (Accessed 2nd November 2012) |
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"Save Cycling from UCI Corruption" by Paul Kimmage Kimmage, P (2012) "Nosing out the Armstrong Scandal" [weblog] Around The Edge 14th October Available from (Accessed 3rd November 2012) |
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"Dopers Suck Coffee" (2010) by Dopers Suck and Jittery Joe's Coffee Knufken, D. (2010) "Could Doping Be Effectively Legalized, Regulated?" [weblog] Business Pundit 20th May Avaialble from (Accessed 3rd November 2012) |
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